Mr. Bush says efforts to combat global climate change must not restrict economic development. 布什说,制止全球气候变化的努力不该限制经济发展。
Japan is telling the world's most industrialized nations that urgent action is needed on global climate change and development assistance for impoverished nations. 日本对世界工业最发达的国家说,需要在全球气候变化和对贫穷国家进行开发援助方面采取紧急行动。
Global climate change is also on this year's agenda. 此外,全球气候变暖问题也在今年的议事日程上。
Global climate change represents a grave threat to the economic livelihood and security of all nations, but it also represents a significant opportunity for sustainable development that will benefit both current and future generations. 全球气候变化对各国经济民生和国家安全构成了严重威胁,但同时也是可持续发展的重要机遇,惠及当代和子孙后代。
The emissions from heavy-duty vehicles significantly degrade urban and regional air quality, while exacerbating global climate change. 载重汽车排放在加剧全球气候变化的同时,将严重降低城市和地区空气质量。
The US and three big emerging market countries have bolstered hopes for a global climate change deal this year by unveiling fresh plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions. 美国和三大新兴市场国家公布了限制温室气体排放的最新计划,从而增强了在今年达成一项全球气候变化协议的希望。
Carbon emissions exacerbate the global climate change problem. 碳排放加剧了全球气候变化问题。
Developing countries should set both short-and-medium-term objectives and long-term objectives in combating global climate change. 发展中国家在应对全球气候变化行动中应制定中、短期目标与长期目标。
This synthesizing paper points the way to strategic research that better assesses the risks to health from global climate change. 这个文件指出的综合战略研究,更好地评估全球气候变化对健康的风险的方式。
However, this is not primarily because China wants to comply with global climate change policy. 然而,这并不意味着中国想要遵从全球气候变化政策。
Low-carbon economy is inevitable choice in the context of global climate change for China and the whole world. 低碳经济是在全球气候变化背景下中国及世界各国发展的必然选择。
Geological location and climate of these places have significant impacts on the global climate change. 南极、北极和珠穆朗玛峯有「地球三极」之称,其独特的地理位置和气候,对全球气候的变化。
The sustainability of China's economic miracle and rapid urbanization is challenged by global climate change and energy safety. 全球气候变化使我国经济发展、能源安全和快速城市化面临巨大挑战。
Global climate change poses a great challenge to the development of economy and the human society. 全球气候变化对经济社会的可持续发展带来严重挑战。
This course introduces scientific, economic, and ecological issues underlying the threat of global climate change, and the institutions engaged in negotiating an international response. 这门课介绍了全球气候变化威胁下的科学、经济和生态学的议题,以及参与谈判以获得国际响应的公共机构。
Clearly, increasing the overall number of CDM projects would be a win-win situation for China and global climate change. 很明显,增加CDM项目的总数量对于中国和全球气候变化将是一个双赢的局面。
Like all countries in the world, China's emissions of greenhouse gases will contribute to global climate change, affecting health in China and the world. 同世界上所有国家一样,中国温室气体的排放也会促使全球气候变化,进而影响中国和全球人类的健康。
This theme was selected recognizing that global climate change is posing ever-growing threats to public health security. 选择本主题是为突出全球气候变化正在对公共卫生安全造成持续增长的威胁。
On Development of Low Carbon Economy of China's Industry under the Background of Global Climate Change 全球气候变化背景下中国产业的低碳发展研究
Greenhouse gas emissions and health effects associated with nuisance odorants are also issues in the context of global climate change and increasing human population near poultry operations. 在全球气候变化和家禽养殖场周边人口增多的背景下,还存在温室气体排放以及与异味相关的健康影响问题。
The agronomy approaches to sand-dust storm disasters reduction were suggested, and mechanism for sand-dust storm prevention under the ground of global climate change was discussed mainly. 在此基础上提出了沙尘暴减灾的农学途径,着重探讨了在全球气候变化的大背景下以冬小麦和冬油菜为代表的冬作物北移措施和保护性耕作措施的防尘机理。
Previous studies have shown how falling aerosol pollution will affect the rate of global climate change. 此前的研究表明气溶胶污染的降低将影响全球气候变化的速率。
The western arid zone in china is a region for interactions between westerly and monsoon climate, and responds sensitively to global climate change. 西部干旱区是西风带气候和季风气候的相互作用区,对全球气候变化敏感响应。
A clean development of the power industry was required because of the increasingly serious global climate change and the strategy of sustainable development of human society. 而日益严重的气候变化问题和人类社会可持续发展战略,也对电力行业提出了清洁化发展的要求。
This should be a priority regardless of global climate change. 无论有没有全球气候变化,这应该成为一个优先事项。
Unfortunately, all of us share some degree of responsibility for global climate change. 不幸的是,我们中的每个人都要为全球气候变化负责。
Indeed it fits well with my recent visit to Bali dealing with the global climate change agenda. 这和我最近到巴厘岛讨论全球气候变化议程之行十分契合。
For these reasons, ecotone has recently become a focus of research of restoration ecology and global climate change. 近几年农牧交错带已经成为恢复生态学和全球气候变化研究的热点区域。
The Influence Study of Global Climate Change on International Shipping Economy 全球气候变化对国际航运经济的影响研究
Review on impact of global climate change on mangrove ecosystems and research countermeasure 全球气候变化对红树林生态系统的影响与研究对策